Is the Bear coming???
Do you drive a car?
Do you know where the jack is just in case you need it to change the flat tyre?
What colour is it? Unless you have a flat tyre, how useful is it in your everyday life?
What if I told you that you were carrying around this jack all day everyday just in case?
The jack represents your fears, it is there so when
when we have a flat tyre we can change it
- when we cross the road - we look both ways
when we need to run we run the fastest we have ever run
And that is where it should stay, hidden until we need it ….
Unfortunately, though most of us are carrying our jack (fear) around with us in anticipation of a flat tyre. When really how often is the danger there? How often do you get a flat? Is the bear in the woods going to eat us, hell there aren’t even any bears in my state, or country, so what are we always fearful of? (in fight or flight?)
Are you carrying your Jack everywhere???